A tribe is a collection of squads grouped by a common business focus. For example, a tribe for Mamo might include a group of squads working on payments. We are not big enough to justify creating tribes at this stage, but it’s nice to have the definition handy.
A squad is the smallest unit of development in the tribe model. Squads consist of a group of specialists (engineers, designers, PMs, etc) who work closely together on a specific area of the product. They are designed to be autonomous, self-organizing teams that can have broad business objectives and can release products to the market whenever they are ready.
A guild is a broader community that can include members in multiple tribes. What unites the members of a guild is an interest in sharing knowledge, best practices, and tools. A person from any squad, chapter or tribe can be part of a guild. Guilds can rise out of common expertise throughout the lifetime of the organization (Security guild, Infrastructure guild, UX guild, etc).
A chapter consists of individuals from different squads, all of which have common skills & capabilities. A chapter lead is also a line manager of the chapter members and supports them in their personal and professional growth (Business, Experience, Engineering, etc).