Accept payments in 15+ currencies

Go global and accept payments in over 15 popular currencies including: USD, EUR, GBP, SAR and more. Your customers will be charged in their local currencies, and you will be settled in AED right here in the UAE.

Multi-currency options on phone in a payment link

Eliminate the mental math for your customers

It’s very difficult and confusing for a customer to convert AED price tags into their local currency. Why put them through that hassle? With Multi-currency payments, you can quote your customers in the local currency they are accustomed to.

Avoid aggressive currency conversion fees

Banks can be brutal when converting international charges into local card currencies. We’ve all experienced the 2.5 - 3% currency conversion fees that are charged to our credit cards when we’re traveling abroad. Eliminate these concerns for your customers and encourage them to make the payments they owe you.

Image of the dashboard overview in an iPad device
Image of the dashboard overview in an iPad device
Image of the dashboard overview in an iPad device

Start getting paid with Mamo Business