All your bill payments on one platform

Manage all your payments to suppliers and vendors in one place.

disbursements UI in tablet

Pay bills the way you like

entering bank account info
Add payment details
You have the details, we have the process! Add your vendor’s bank account details along with the amount and we’ll make the transfer for you.
Uploading an invoice UI
Upload an invoice
Upload a copy of your invoice and we’ll pay it on your behalf – no more payment hassles!

Choose from convenient payout methods

confirming disbursement to the recipient's bank account
Bank accounts
Skip on the traditional bank transfer fees by depositing money from your dashboard to your payee’s bank account.
Mamo Personal application
Mamo Personal wallets
We’ll send your payment to your payee’s dedicated Mamo Personal wallet -- deposited instantly!
Image of the dashboard overview in an iPad device
Image of the dashboard overview in an iPad device
Image of the dashboard overview in an iPad device

Start getting paid with Mamo Business